Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The worst kids' foods in America

I've work in the restaurant business for the past five years and it strikes me when I see that most parents order the most greasy meals for the little ones.

MSN news just released an article about the 20 worst kids foods, and It really caught my attention since I don't understand why parents care so less about their children's food.

There is nothing wrong with giving kids treats such as ice cream, candy or fried food when either they are behaving well or getting good grades, BUT, every time you take them out to a restaurant shouldn't be as unhealthy as it seems to be.

In a typical all American restaurant the kids menu is made up with:
  • Grilled cheese/ bacon optional: 440 calories, total fat 31%
  • Cheese burger: 359 calories, total fat 30%
    Hot dog: 242 calories, total fat 22%
  • Chicken strips: 200 calories, total fat 15% ( two pieces)

As a result, childhood obesity in America has tripled since 1980. Check Obesity rates. And since obesity increases the odds of a heart attack, consider the impact of an entire generation of overweight children. "our future."

Missthinwallet gift: If you want to learn which are the best and worst foods not only for kids, but for adults as well check out this book, Eat this, not that. It only costs $26.95.

love, missthinwallet

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