Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slimmer workout

If you have been trying to lose your love handles for quite a while now, then you probably know that there is more to weight loss than the simple theory of burning more than you eat.

Try this three steps to shape up body, you will burn as much as by jogging and firm every inch of flab.

  1. Foosball ball Kick: Stand holding a lighter dumbbell in each hand and bend elbows to bring weights near rib cage, palms facing each other. Keeping weights tucked by ribs throughout move, tighten abs as you lift bent right knee up to hip height, then kick forward with right foot. quickly alternate front and rear kicks until you've done 10 of each legs.

  2. Stork stand with curl: Stand on right leg with left leg bent behind you, holding a heavier weight in each hand, palms facing fronts of thighs. Lean slightly forward from hips for balance. Bend elbows to slowly curl weights to chest level, palms facing floor. Lower weights to start. Do 12 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

  3. Reverse lunge with T-raise: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a heavier weight in each hand, arms by sides. Take a giant step back with right leg and sink into a lunge so both knees are bent 90 degrees as you raise arms straight out to sides at shoulder level, palms facing floor. Hold for one count, then lower arms as you step right foot forward to return to start position. Do 12 repeats.

Missthinwallet advise: This again might be repetition of what you have already heard before. However, there is no more stressing the importance of water in causing an effective weight loss. Have at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

love, missthinwallet

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PMS cravings

I get the worst food cravings before my period. A must-have-Ice cream, pizza and chocolate feeling revolves arounf my head.

A week before our period, levels of estrogen and feel-good serotonin dip, and our stress hormones soar. As a result, women need carbs like a baby needs the bottle.

Here is the secret to PMS proofing your diet: In addition to three meals a day, have two 200 calorie snacks, so you are noshing every three hours. According to Stephanie Gordon, M.D., a women's health expert in Atlanta.

Try complex carbs and healthy fat; your body absorbs them slowly, keeping you full. Whole-grain crackers with tuna salad are also a good choice (use reduced-fat mayo) or whole-grain cereal with skim milk and nuts.

Missthinwallet tip: Don't skip your regular workout, It helps to keep such cravings away.

love, missthinwallet

Romantic dinner under 300 calories

Feel like surprising your man, but taking him out to dinner could cost you around $150, plus a restaurant isn't as intimate as your place? believe me, I've there done that...

With a few easy inexpensive ingredients you could turn your living room into a five start steak house. Make sure your parents or roommates aren't home for the night.

I'm going to show you a very easy recipe that not only will cost you less than $50 but it's also under 300 calories. Yummy!

Pan-Seared Filet Mignon with Red-Wine sauce:

-2 Filet Mignon (about 1 1/2 inches thick each)

-1/2 cup Low-sodium beef broth

-1/2 cup of red wine (same one you are planing to drink with the meal)

-1 Tablespoon shallots, minced

-1 teaspoon flour

-1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard

-1 Tablespoon unsalted butter

-green beans


-salt and pepper

In a bowl, mix broth, red wine, shallots, flour and mustard. Heat a heavy-duty skillet oven medium-high heat. Season steaks with salt and pepper, then sear for 3 minutes on each side for medium-rare. Transfer to a plate, and tent with foil. Pour wine mixture into hot pan, and bring to broil for 1 minute. Stir in butter and parsley, ad broil 1 to 2 minutes. Pour sauce over steaks and serve. Add green beans and tomatoes as a side as well as decoration.

Missthinwallet tip: This dish will definitely impress your guy, best of all he will never suspect how easy it is to pull off.

Love, missthinwalltet.

Four types of eaters.., which are you?

If you ever cheated on a diet, then you are probably guilty of self-sabotage. More than 40% of dieters have trouble sticking to a plan.

Here are the four most common weight-loss offenses to show you how to break free from the yo-yo diet.

1.The Night Eater: You consume more than half of your daily calories after 6 p.m., you are not hungry for breakfast and lunch the next day, causing your blood sugar to crash and you metabolism to slow down.

The solution: Eat every four hours, even if you are not hungry, try to have 300 calories for breakfast to give you the energy to get through the day. Avoid eating in front of the T.V.

2. The Social Snacker: Whether is chocolate cake at the a.m meeting from a co-worker's birthday to the Doritos the girls sitting next to you at class, you just can't say no to food in social situations.

The solution: Focus your goals, in a little piece of paper write down how much you want to lose weight, so every time there is food in front of you you'll pull that piece of paper to remind yourself about it.

3. The All-or-Nothing Dieter: When you have time, you stock the fridge with produce, lean protein and low-fat dairy. But as soon as life gets busy you order take out.

The solution: Instead of cooking one piece of chicken breast, cook five and store them in the fridge that way is easy to just heat them up. If you definitely can hit the stove, circle healthy options on your take-out menus.

4. The Healthy Eater: You eat the right things, yet, you see not results? I know plenty of overweight vegetarians.

The solution: Slow down, watch you portions. When dinning out ask you waiter to pack half of the meal in a doggie-bag, that way you wont eat it all.

Missthinwallet advise: Print out your grocery list so all you have to do is circle the heatlthy items. Put sticky notes in the mirror with messages to hit the Gym. Don't procrastinate.
love, missthinwallet

Easy affordable quick diet

Some times an unexpected special occasion appears on your calendar and of course you are caught off guard.
Weather is a weeding or a romantic cruise your beloved one surprised you with, I have a solution. Easy, cheap and quick. One week following this diet and you will be ready to rock your whole wardrobe.

It is recommended that 45% to 65% of your calories come from carbs.


  • 2 slices whole-grain bread -- 23 g

  • 1 slice cheddar cheese -- 0 g

  • 2 ounces sliced turkey -- 2 g

  • 1 large apple -- 31 g

  • 1 large oatmeal raising cookie --10 g


  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter -- 7 g

  • 4 graham crackers -- 22 g


  • 1 cup cooked whole-wheat spaghetti -- 37 g

  • 1/2 cup marinara sauce -- 18 g

  • 4 small turkey meatballs

  • 1 cup steamed broccoli -- 11 g


Total: Grams of carbs 237.

Missthinwallet Backup plan: Going out to dinner? Have a healthily breakfast and lunch so you are not starving when you get to the restaurant.

love, misswallet

Men have faster metabolism than Women

It is a fact, and I have to ask for an explanation to my God Almighty... why do men lose weight faster than women?

In lack of an answer I googled my anger out and found that indeed, men have a faster metabolism than woman. In fact men have two major weight-loss advantages.

  1. Body Composition: It enables them to to burn calories at a faster rate than women. Men are biologically programed to have higher amounts of lean mass or muscle.

  2. Activity: men tend to be more active than their female counterparts. Even when they rest men burn more calories. (not fare)

According to the book "Habits of Health" by Dr. Wayne Andersen. The female body was designed for pregnancy, life giving and providing food to its offspring. Females have fewer muscles, and therefore, burn fewer calories.

In addition testosterone levels are important to weight loss, again, men have advantage in this department than women.

Missthinwallet tip: I guess we have to work harder! not to be surprised...

love, missthinwallet

Reason not to eat MacDonald's

If you consider yourself a healthy person there is not reason why you should find yourself at a MacDonald's drive-thru. Even if its 2 a.m. in the morning and you just left a bar with your friends... (oops)

If one of your reasons is that MacDonald's is cheap, I have a cheaper way to eat healthier and cheaper cheeseburgers: If you buy a package of hamburger bread (12 buns), beef patties (12 ) and any type of cheese (20 slices) you spend an average of $16 giving you a total of 12 cheeseburgers. Now at MacDonald's dollar menu that would cost including tax an average of $18, and whole lot more calories.

Here are only a few reasons not to eat at MacDonald's:

  1. You would have to walk seven hours straight to burn off a super sized coke, fries and Big Mac.

  2. The processed fat in MacDonald's food promotes endothelial dysfunction for up to five hours after eating the meal.

  3. High blood pressure, a chicken sandwich will give you 2/3 more of the recommended daily sodium intake.

Most people are familiar with the movie "Super Size Me" made back in 2003 and nominated for an Academy Award for best Documentary. if you have not seen it, check it out.

Missthinwallet advice: If you really crave it, well once in a while is not that bad. But please try to avoid this food.

love, missthinwallet

Should pregnat women diet??

Have you notice that ever since America went through an economy recession more and more people are having babies? Like the baby boom we had back in the 50's.
Well lately I've found myself shopping at BabiesRus more often. No I'm not pregnant, but I've been invited to four baby showers in less than two months.

Crazy ugh?... I'm only 24. I hope this is not telling me that I'm the next one hosting a baby shower. Well just in case, I suggest all women should know about pregnancy diets, so that post-pregnancy baby fat isn't so hard to get rid of.

There is not especial diet for pregnant women, but eating a healthy balanced diet that gives all the nutrients for your baby. For the first three months the diet should be high on in calcium, and for the rest of the pregnancy women need extra protein. foods high in protein.

Woman wrongly think that they have to eat for two, WRONG, According to the woman's hospital in Boston, pregnant woman should avoid eating for two since too much weight gain is linked with with complications at birth.

Here are some prenatal DONTS :
  1. Eating Unsafe foods. Like raw fish. Can be dangerous for the baby

  2. Skipping breakfast. Try a whole-grain English muffin with 2 teaspoon of nut butter, a banana and a glass of non-fat milk.

  3. Getting to much caffeine. Could make it hard for the fetus to metabolized.

  4. Satisfying carvings with wrong foods. Instead of a bowl of ice cream try a non-fat bowl of yogurt.

Missthinwallet says: Eating well is important, but when you are pregnant there is a little reason to take care of yourself... a beautiful baby growing inside you!!!

Love, missthinwallet

The worst kids' foods in America

I've work in the restaurant business for the past five years and it strikes me when I see that most parents order the most greasy meals for the little ones.

MSN news just released an article about the 20 worst kids foods, and It really caught my attention since I don't understand why parents care so less about their children's food.

There is nothing wrong with giving kids treats such as ice cream, candy or fried food when either they are behaving well or getting good grades, BUT, every time you take them out to a restaurant shouldn't be as unhealthy as it seems to be.

In a typical all American restaurant the kids menu is made up with:
  • Grilled cheese/ bacon optional: 440 calories, total fat 31%
  • Cheese burger: 359 calories, total fat 30%
    Hot dog: 242 calories, total fat 22%
  • Chicken strips: 200 calories, total fat 15% ( two pieces)

As a result, childhood obesity in America has tripled since 1980. Check Obesity rates. And since obesity increases the odds of a heart attack, consider the impact of an entire generation of overweight children. "our future."

Missthinwallet gift: If you want to learn which are the best and worst foods not only for kids, but for adults as well check out this book, Eat this, not that. It only costs $26.95.

love, missthinwallet