I get the worst food cravings before my period. A must-have-Ice cream, pizza and chocolate feeling revolves arounf my head.
A week before our period, levels of estrogen and feel-good serotonin dip, and our stress hormones soar. As a result, women need carbs like a baby needs the bottle.
Here is the secret to PMS proofing your diet: In addition to three meals a day, have two 200 calorie snacks, so you are noshing every three hours. According to Stephanie Gordon, M.D., a women's health expert in Atlanta.
Try complex carbs and healthy fat; your body absorbs them slowly, keeping you full. Whole-grain crackers with tuna salad are also a good choice (use reduced-fat mayo) or whole-grain cereal with skim milk and nuts.
Missthinwallet tip: Don't skip your regular workout, It helps to keep such cravings away.
love, missthinwallet
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