Monday, September 14, 2009

A natural way to get cleaned up.. Green Tea

As a mention in my previous post, we don’t have to go as far as purging to clean up our bodies. If diets and excise aren’t enough to lose weight, then there are many other options to do so in a completely healthy and affordable way.

Every cell in the human body runs on oxygen, however, as important as oxygen is, it also causes damage to the very cells that rely on it to live. This damage is called oxidation, visit this website for more info Now; you must be wondering what’s the connection between oxidation and body fat. Well , little do many know, by including foods or products that contain antioxidants in your daily diet, you will enhance your health by removing toxic waste hiding inside your body; therefore your system will automatically expulse those residues that turn into fat.

Every night before I go to sleep I drink a cup of Green Tea, it helps me flush toxins out of my system. You can find a variety of brands at the supermarkets, although many are expensive, I recommend Lipton Green Tea, a box of 16 bags Lipton tea costs around four dollars, not only it’s cheap but tasty. Lipton teas are made from real tea leaves that naturally contain protective antioxidants. (Read ingredients on the back of the box). I give it 10 points.
Ever since I started drinking tea, not only I lost some weight, Green Tea also boosts my energy and increases my immune system level.

Here are some medical conditions in which drinking Green Tea has a great reputation to be helpful:

  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid
  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Infection
  • Impaired immune fuction

Missthinwallet's important fact: Antioxidants can also be found in fruits and vegetables, it is important to include them in your daily diet. Take note that not pill or tea can provide the same balance of vitamins and minerals that are found in a single fruit or vegetable. Also if you add sugar to the tea do not expect great results… no SUGAR por favor!!!


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