Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't go this far....Losing weight is not worth losing your life

I like to start by explaining that my blog will NOT incentivize girls to do just anything to look thin, rather I’m going to recommend different ways you can look slimmer as well as healthy, and that’s why my first post will expose the consequences of losing too much weight the wrong way.

I moved to the states from my natal Colombia when I was 16 years old, “such complicated age” grandma used to tell me. Indeed, as a matter of fact, once girls turn 13 body image becomes the most important issue in our lives, and we are driven to do whatever it takes to fit in. Well for me the struggle with body weight begun as I gained close to 10 pounds only six months after I moved here. As more teenagers I wasn’t immune to peer pressure, so in order for me to lose weight, I consulted my terrible crisis with a friend, instead of telling my own mother; ( by the way she is my best friend).

I started to take “diet pills” my friend gave me and also begun to skip meals. … Luckily my mom found out before I could even finish the 50 capsules I was suppose to take. Just like mine there are millions of cases every year, sadly not all parents watch their kids the way my mom did with me!!! Please note. I could have easily become an anorexic.

So in case you don’t know what Anorexia is, I will explain briefly- People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They believe they are fat even though they are very thin. Anorexics see a fat person when they look in the mirror. What they don’t see is the tremendous physical and emotional damage that self-starvation inflicts. A person with anorexia nervosa tends to over exercise and purge, this disease is a potential deadly eating disorder that has lead to many deaths especially among teenagers.

Some of the symptoms of anorexia:

  • Extreme weight loss

  • Irregularity on menstrual periods

  • Compulsive exercise

  • Depression.

So if you know someone that may possibly be having an eating disorder, provide that person with information about resources and treatments. Offer to go with him or her for moral support if they see a doctor, therapist or nutritionist.
You can also visit A program for lifelong recovery at this website offers not only plenty information about eating disorders, but also a treatment for recuperation.

Missthinwallet advise: Your life your choice! Life is all about finding a balance, so let the super models starve themselves, trying to look like a cover girl is definitely not worth your life!



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