Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to avoid Halloween candy overindulgence

Halloween is getting closer and closer and we all know this frightening, yet fun celebration is all about the delightful treats no one can resist to.

After we reach certain age the main concern on Halloween night is trying not to fall in the sweet temptation of candy, but don’t worry all it takes is a little thinking and pre-planning.

Tricks to resist temptation:
  • Wait to the last minute to buy the candy you are planning to give out to the neighborhood kids, that way you don’t fall into the temptation to eat them all.
  • Try not to buy goodies you can’t resist, so if you are crazy about m&ms buy lollipops instead.
  • After Halloween night is over, toss out the leftovers, that way you don’t have them haunting you the following days.
  • Chew gum: Sugarless gum gives your mouth a burst of sweet sensation for very few calories.

If you think it would be impossible to resist the goodies, plan a 911 workout session. Hit the gym and try these steps for 45 minutes on the treadmill.

  1. Warm up and walk easily for 3 minutes
  2. Power walk for 2 minutes
  3. Run fast for 4 minutes
  4. Repeat step 1 and 2: 8 times
  5. Cool down walk 2 minutes

To find out which are the most tasty and popular Halloween candy check out mydessertaddiction! Best blog on goodies.

Missthinwallet treat: Buy gummies. Gummy worms are a wonderful treat for Halloween. They’re low in calories. In fact, one gummy worm only contains 32 calories.

love, missthinwallet

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