Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get rid of cellulite- women' worst enemy

Don’t worry; even supermodels suffer from the so called "cottage cheese" appearance, they just make it less noticeable with airbrush.

Cellulite is caused by both a person’s genes and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Although cellulite appears in different amounts on each individual, most women I know; including me! have at least some cellulite in the legs, arms or stomach.

There are many myths of whether cellulite can completely disappear or just reduce its appearance.

Many companies offer different “solutions” or “anti-cellulite” products to get rid of cellulite; creams, pills, lotions among others. So far I have not seen such results.

Not only they are expensive, but most, if not all, of those treatments do nothing but submit your body to unneeded stress and damage.

The appearance of a fat lump may not change, but your overall cellulite can reduce with a diet low in saturated fats – as well as to combine such diet with some exercise.

Follow these steps and let me know about your possible change:


  • Replace processed food with fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

  • Cut your overall fat consumption and choose "healthy" fats (like lean meats and nuts) over junk food.

  • Limit your daily calorie intake.

  • drink lots of water.


  • Leg lifts, squats, stair machines.

  • Cardio

  • Riding a bike is extremely effective.

Missthinwallet Tip: Besides the diet and excercise, look for other treatments as an extra kick to to get rid of the "cottage cheese" apperance.

American Laser Centers offer a cellulite reduction therapy, vist their webpage and click on services for more info.

Love, Missthinwallet


  1. maybe i would need some celulit tretman, even im not woman.

    i have bad cottage cheese in some parts...

  2. Treatments work for both men and women, although men seem to be less concern with this issue.
