Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get rid of cellulite- women' worst enemy

Don’t worry; even supermodels suffer from the so called "cottage cheese" appearance, they just make it less noticeable with airbrush.

Cellulite is caused by both a person’s genes and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Although cellulite appears in different amounts on each individual, most women I know; including me! have at least some cellulite in the legs, arms or stomach.

There are many myths of whether cellulite can completely disappear or just reduce its appearance.

Many companies offer different “solutions” or “anti-cellulite” products to get rid of cellulite; creams, pills, lotions among others. So far I have not seen such results.

Not only they are expensive, but most, if not all, of those treatments do nothing but submit your body to unneeded stress and damage.

The appearance of a fat lump may not change, but your overall cellulite can reduce with a diet low in saturated fats – as well as to combine such diet with some exercise.

Follow these steps and let me know about your possible change:


  • Replace processed food with fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

  • Cut your overall fat consumption and choose "healthy" fats (like lean meats and nuts) over junk food.

  • Limit your daily calorie intake.

  • drink lots of water.


  • Leg lifts, squats, stair machines.

  • Cardio

  • Riding a bike is extremely effective.

Missthinwallet Tip: Besides the diet and excercise, look for other treatments as an extra kick to to get rid of the "cottage cheese" apperance.

American Laser Centers offer a cellulite reduction therapy, vist their webpage and click on services for more info.

Love, Missthinwallet

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Plastic Surgery gone wrong

Painful accomplishment...

In today’s world, getting a plastic surgery is almost like buying a car, common, easy and somehow cheap, (compare to 10 years ago). However, as any other investment, there are risks that come along when getting this “non necessary” surgeries. When I say non necessary I mean cosmetic.

It is not a secret that most celebrities choose aesthetic surgery over any other method. Well, now more than ever, regular non-famous people go under the knife as this option becomes more accessible to our wallets. In most cases with great results, while for others not so lucky, their dream of looking fabulous becomes a completely nightmare.

From Jocelyn Wildestein to Cat woman

Wealthy socialite, who is said to have spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 million on plastic surgery. As a result of her delirious obsession to have bigger lips and to look younger... she looks like a CAT....

The King of Pop obsession to stand out and clearly to become white, made him look to what some refer as "a freak".. hideous..

With recent advancements in the science and technology, it is still a tougher job to prevent the deaths that occur due to surgery.

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty: 1 out of 600 die.

Liposuction: 1 out of 5.000 die.

Look for clinics with all the proper certificates, do not settle for the cheapest, in this case you are not dealing with clothes but with your own life.

Missthinwallet says: Whether is liposuction, breast augmentation of a nose job…. There is no need to go this far, if you wish to change something about your body make sure you find a doctor with good reputation, as well as to consult with your family members.

If people judge you for your physical appearance, they're not worth your time!!!

Love, Missthinwallet

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Which is your body type?

The first step to rock an outfit is by identifying your body type!!! As hard as it may be to admit it, no body is perfect!! So let try to do our best...
Whether you are petite or curvy lady, I'm sure there are many ways to make your style fit into your body type.

As I grew older, I discovered a slight difference between some of my friend’s bodies and mine: My hips were somehow bigger than theirs, not fat just bigger. I was a 14 years old girl trapped into an 18 years old woman; the only good thing about it was that I had older guys’ attention!!! at least that was a good thing back then.
Now, I want you look at yourself in the mirror and do a little analysis, (be honest) and classify you body as:

1. Pear: Curvaceous hips with a tapered, small waist:

-wear straight-leg or pencil skirt with heels, since the bottom is wider you should create more width and volume to your shoulders and chest. shorts aren't the best choice for you.

2. Apple: full chest, little waist definition, small hips?

-Try deep V necks to slim down your chest,soft fabrics for a girlie look. floral patterns that add more width to her hips.

3. Banana: Flat chest, not so curvier? slim..

-Choosing pants with well-placed pockets is great way to add attention to certain areas.. You can get away with large and wide blouses and still look slim.

4. orange: big bones, round face, large trunk and thighs?

-Wear solid dark colors like black, navy, dark purple and Wear bright colors or patterns on your hot spots to draw attention away from your trouble spots.

If you want more detail fashion tips, visit this Website.. You'll love it.

Missthinwallet tip: No matter what your body type is, making your legs look longer is generally flattering.


How to look skinny in your pictures

Sometimes I wonder how is it that supermodels and actresses look so good in the red carpet. It’s time to stop wondering because I finally found the solution!

Girls, it’s time to reveal another secret that will make you look skinny in your facebook pictures!

The secret…it’s all about the pose. I will share with you some secrets that can help you look 10 pounds thinner on your photos.

  1. Always turn sideways to the camera and put your best foot forward…literally. Point your toes towards the camera and tilt your body a little bit.

  2. You don’t want to seem like you have a double chin, so pull your head up a little bit more to the front.

  3. Sometimes trying to suck your stomach in might show your ribs and it will cause people to wonder about an eating disorder. So pull your shoulders back, chest up and gently suck your stomach.

  4. The responsibility is not only on you, make sure that whoever is taking the picture takes it from an eye level angle or if anything from above, but never allow anyone to take a picture of you from below.

  5. Use objects you have to cover areas that you don’t want to be seen. For example a purse in front of your belly or a jacket on your shoulder. Remember the flash brings out flaws in everyone so you gotta help yourself!

Now that you know some secrets, I hope to see your new facebook pages updated with some new and “skinny” pictures of you!

I found online the best cameras rated to fit a woman’s purse, check it out and snap away! http://wize.com/digital-cameras/t1057-purse

Missthinwallet advice: Practice these tips in front of the mirror every chance you get, but make sure your doors and windows are closed so you’re not caught.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Party or workout?

Tired of the same kickboxing, step up, boot camp and yoga classes??? I am. That's why I decided to try something diferent, and I found the perfect solution that will make you forget about the monotonous classes most gyms offer.
If you are shy, then it's also perfect for you, since you can do it in front of your TV or computer, without people checking you out.

There are millions of fitness videos in the market, and the best of all is that you can get them for free!!! God bless YOUTUBE

So, If you like to shake what you momma gave you! Then you should try ZUMBA my favorite firness video.
The creator of this wonderful workout video Beto, is from my beatiful Colombian.
hey, I'm supporting my people!

ZUMBA infuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves. You will dance anything from Salsa to Reggae. If you want you can also purchase the Total body transformation system package for $59.95, that’s what a trainer charges per hour, BIg savings... and this DVD’s last forever! In addition you can find from t-shirts to handbags so that you can become a true ZUMBA fan. http://www.zumba.com/us/about

Missthinwallet's treat: party-party... Enjoy this clip...and Zumba... Ya!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weight Loss Emergency- The secret is reductive massages

Girls it about time I reveal a secret not so secret… some models not only exercise and diet to look the way they do, there are some last minute treatment that many woman do before they have an important event; whether you need to fit into your wedding gown, you going to a photo shoot, or planning vacations to Cancun.
There is a way to look divine in as soon as one month. I think you deserve the truth. So for those of you who don’t know, there are many procedures and treatments way cheaper and more convenient than going under the knife.

Last year I spent my summer back home, (Colombia) where I discovered the magical world of Reductive Massages, that along with teas and a balance diet made me loose a few inches off my waist in less than a month. My sister (who is a regular patient) made me an appointment with a wonderful lady whose magical hands make miracles… off course as skeptical as I’m, I went not expecting much. Well let me tell you don’t be so skeptical, I clearly see that you can never say never…Ironic Hugh??

Reductive massages are manual maneuvers using body fat creams, or just oil; that the therapist put on your body (if you want an specific area) as she/he moves the tissue under the body fat layer, removing toxins and braking fibroses all by hand.
It is indicated for inches reduction and as coadjutant in treatments against cellulite, acting in body fat nodes ending with fluid retention. Don’t think this are as the regular relaxing massages, this reductive massages HURT as s*!%^&t,,, no pain no gain right?

Now let’s talk about prices. I paid around $150 dollars for a 10 day session, plus my airline ticket for 15 days that cost around $400 a total of $550! Treatment and vacations included!!!
I took the time to look around to get such massages in the states; I found some very expensive treatments as well as other reasonable ones.

Missthinwallet advice: A big NO NO! To the vacuum Massage therapy those treatments made other than manually can end up damaging your body tissues, as well as ripping you off, places like this one charges you close to $8.000


Monday, September 14, 2009

A natural way to get cleaned up.. Green Tea

As a mention in my previous post, we don’t have to go as far as purging to clean up our bodies. If diets and excise aren’t enough to lose weight, then there are many other options to do so in a completely healthy and affordable way.

Every cell in the human body runs on oxygen, however, as important as oxygen is, it also causes damage to the very cells that rely on it to live. This damage is called oxidation, visit this website for more info http://www.thedietchannel.com/Antioxidants-All-About-Antioxidants.htm Now; you must be wondering what’s the connection between oxidation and body fat. Well , little do many know, by including foods or products that contain antioxidants in your daily diet, you will enhance your health by removing toxic waste hiding inside your body; therefore your system will automatically expulse those residues that turn into fat.

Every night before I go to sleep I drink a cup of Green Tea, it helps me flush toxins out of my system. You can find a variety of brands at the supermarkets, although many are expensive, I recommend Lipton Green Tea, a box of 16 bags Lipton tea costs around four dollars, not only it’s cheap but tasty. Lipton teas are made from real tea leaves that naturally contain protective antioxidants. (Read ingredients on the back of the box). I give it 10 points.
Ever since I started drinking tea, not only I lost some weight, Green Tea also boosts my energy and increases my immune system level.

Here are some medical conditions in which drinking Green Tea has a great reputation to be helpful:

  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid
  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Infection
  • Impaired immune fuction

Missthinwallet's important fact: Antioxidants can also be found in fruits and vegetables, it is important to include them in your daily diet. Take note that not pill or tea can provide the same balance of vitamins and minerals that are found in a single fruit or vegetable. Also if you add sugar to the tea do not expect great results… no SUGAR por favor!!!


Don't go this far....Losing weight is not worth losing your life

I like to start by explaining that my blog will NOT incentivize girls to do just anything to look thin, rather I’m going to recommend different ways you can look slimmer as well as healthy, and that’s why my first post will expose the consequences of losing too much weight the wrong way.

I moved to the states from my natal Colombia when I was 16 years old, “such complicated age” grandma used to tell me. Indeed, as a matter of fact, once girls turn 13 body image becomes the most important issue in our lives, and we are driven to do whatever it takes to fit in. Well for me the struggle with body weight begun as I gained close to 10 pounds only six months after I moved here. As more teenagers I wasn’t immune to peer pressure, so in order for me to lose weight, I consulted my terrible crisis with a friend, instead of telling my own mother; ( by the way she is my best friend).

I started to take “diet pills” my friend gave me and also begun to skip meals. … Luckily my mom found out before I could even finish the 50 capsules I was suppose to take. Just like mine there are millions of cases every year, sadly not all parents watch their kids the way my mom did with me!!! Please note. I could have easily become an anorexic.

So in case you don’t know what Anorexia is, I will explain briefly- People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They believe they are fat even though they are very thin. Anorexics see a fat person when they look in the mirror. What they don’t see is the tremendous physical and emotional damage that self-starvation inflicts. A person with anorexia nervosa tends to over exercise and purge, this disease is a potential deadly eating disorder that has lead to many deaths especially among teenagers.

Some of the symptoms of anorexia:

  • Extreme weight loss

  • Irregularity on menstrual periods

  • Compulsive exercise

  • Depression.

So if you know someone that may possibly be having an eating disorder, provide that person with information about resources and treatments. Offer to go with him or her for moral support if they see a doctor, therapist or nutritionist.
You can also visit A program for lifelong recovery at http://www.raderprograms.com/the-problem/symptoms this website offers not only plenty information about eating disorders, but also a treatment for recuperation.

Missthinwallet advise: Your life your choice! Life is all about finding a balance, so let the super models starve themselves, trying to look like a cover girl is definitely not worth your life!

