Not only they are expensive, but most, if not all, of those treatments do nothing but submit your body to unneeded stress and damage.
The appearance of a fat lump may not change, but your overall cellulite can reduce with a diet low in saturated fats – as well as to combine such diet with some exercise.
- Replace processed food with fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains.
- Cut your overall fat consumption and choose "healthy" fats (like lean meats and nuts) over junk food.
- Limit your daily calorie intake.
- drink lots of water.
- Leg lifts, squats, stair machines.
- Cardio
- Riding a bike is extremely effective.
Missthinwallet Tip: Besides the diet and excercise, look for other treatments as an extra kick to to get rid of the "cottage cheese" apperance.
American Laser Centers offer a cellulite reduction therapy, vist their webpage and click on services for more info.
Love, Missthinwallet